Graphic Design Critique

Elevate Your Graphic Design Skills With Critique From Experienced Professional Adjudicators

How well do you apply the principle design elements on a large scale of visual artifacts generated on the computer?

How well do you incorporate multiple resources to connect with your colleagues, ways to learn new software and grow as an Artist? How do you plan to solve real problems in the world through your visual communication to the audience? Can you design brief sketches, provide feedback, revise and give an excellent and professional presentation of your final project? How can you enhance your portfolio? How is your originality, clarity of message, typography, illustration, ability to adhere to a theme, construction? Here at Prep My Art we are were to help you flourish. You are he future. You are important to us. We want to help you be your best Artist and through quality feedback we believe that we can give you sound advice before it counts for you as a grade OR if you just want to know how well your work is and what you can do better.

Peer feedback can be helpful for artists, but it may not offer the depth and insight you need to continue challenging yourself to improve your skills and fine tune your existing designs. With professional graphic design critique online, you can get a detailed review of your work, assessing the flow, contrast, readability, color scheme, and other key elements of your designs.

Our service allows you to submit up to three pieces at a time for review from a panel of adjudicators who have a background in graphic design and art critique. Three independent judges will view your work, each providing their own written feedback. Because art critique does have a subjective component, having feedback from multiple qualified sources will let you isolate the common threads of each writeup so you can focus on technical improvements in your work rather than getting lost in stylistic details.

Get Your Graphic Design Work Reviewed Ahead of Exams of Client Presentations

Graphic design critique from Prep My Art can be especially useful ahead of exams where any feedback comes with the high stakes of being graded for your work. If you are a professional graphic designer just finding your footing in the field, you may also benefit from critique ahead of client presentations to unveil your branding designs.

Submit Your Work Quickly and Easily

Receiving feedback with Prep My Art is easy. Simply upload your images and our adjudicators will do the rest, providing their perspectives on your work. Judges will not collaborate or share feedback with anyone but you.

Our goal is to promote growth for artists in all mediums and skill levels. If you are looking for feedback on your graphic design work, submit up to three pieces for review today!